I had a few new desktops with Intel 7th generation processors that I just can’t install Windows 7 on it. The computer freezes at the first installation screen with no mouse movements and keyboard strokes. It’s just totally dead. If I applied a pre-installed Windows 7 image onto it, it just keeps cycling through the BSOD.
Turns out, Microsoft didn’t lie about their move to stop updating Windows 7 and 8.1 for future processors. The update policy by Microsoft is not limited only to Intel, obviously. Windows 10 will be the only supported Windows platform on Intel’s upcoming ‘Kaby Lake’ silicon, Qualcomm’s upcoming ‘8996’ silicon, and AMD’s upcoming ‘Bristol Ridge’ silicon.
Basically, the last Intel Processor that support Windows 7 Pro is 6th Generation Processors, aka Skylake. Anything newer, sorry folks, Windows 10 is only your choice moving forward.
To check what kind of processor is powering your computer on Windows, open System Information app, and check the Processor line. If you are seeing Intel Core i5-6xxx CPU or lower number, you are good to go with Windows 7.
If you are looking for a new desktop computer capable of running Windows 7, check this compatible list. For example, there are only a number of systems from HP that supports Windows 7 and 8.1 on Skylake processors.
While I don’t see Windows 7 and supported hardware fading away any time soon, I have to admit that not running the operating system on the latest hardware is definitely not pleasant.